Design a Landing Page to Support Patients

The landing page on a clinic’s website is the platform from which patients open the door to their portal account. Make sure the link to the patient portal landing page is prominent on both the desktop and mobile version. The landing page welcomes potential new enrollees and provides assistance to enrolled users. Short how-to videos and frequently asked questions documents in multiple languages can be very effective.

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Use Short Clinic-Made Videos to Demonstrate Login Procedures

Embed short clinic-made videos on the landing page to show users how to log in, change passwords and access the portal through a smartphone or tablet. Short videos can be easy, fun to make, as well as provide real-time support to patients 24/7.

Consider Email or Telephone Support Options

Give patients another option if the real-time support on the landing page doesn’t resolve their issue. Carefully evaluate options include implementing a form that patients can use to send a message to support staff, providing a phone number for access to the clinic help desk or directing patients to a resource within the clinic for support.

Configure and Implement an Automated Password Reset Feature

Some portal systems offer functionality that allows patients to reset the password on their accounts on their own. Third party vendors may offer this functionality if it’s not part of a portal system. Automated password reset systems are available day or night and reduce the need for technical support staffing.

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