

​​​​​​我记得那是二月一个寒冷的晚上. I was on an airplane about ready to disconnect for the flight when I noticed the Grantee Perception Report hit my inbox. 我忍不住在小小的手机屏幕上快速浏览了这份报告, eager to gather the major takeaways 和 begin thinking through how we could use the data to improve our philanthropy practice.

The world has changed so dramatically since that evening – it almost feels as though I’m recalling something from another era. 然而,, 虽然我们的世界和我们的工作有很多不同, 我们对倾听的承诺, building strong relationships 和 our intent 使健康触手可及 for all Coloradans remains constant. 作为这一承诺的一部分,我们正在 与您分享调查的全部结果,以及我们应该如何利用这些见解来指导我们的工作的想法.

This is the fourth Grantee Perception Survey the Foundation has conducted since 2008 in partnership with the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP). 这是一个重要的工具,可以帮助我们了解我们的生活状况 我们的组织价值观, 我们的基石 以及我们从事慈善事业的愿望.

数据描绘了一幅图画, 和 results from the 426 survey respondents were rich in perspective – showcasing both positive trends 和 opportunities for improvement.

Generally, the Foundation saw positive trends in grantee ratings across the report. More specifically, grantees in 2019 rated us significantly higher than those in 2015 did. 以下是我们注意到改善最大的措施:

  • 了解影响受助人工作的背景因素
  • 了解受资助机构所面临的挑战
  • 整体透明度
  • 对受资助者关于其目标和战略的想法持开放态度
  • The helpfulness of its selection process in strengthening grantees’ organizations 和 programs

CEP’s summary of the findings also note that “… ratings from more recent grantees trend higher for nearly all measures in the survey.这就是, respondents who had grants beginning in 2019 gave generally higher scores across a wide variety of measures. We believe this indicates that the Foundation is moving in the right direction in terms of building strong 和 effective relationships with our grantees.

报告还强调了改进的机会, which include: underst和ing of grantees’ organizations; responsiveness; relationship management, 包括项目官员离职后我们如何转移拨款, 改变的位置, 等.; 和 clarity 和 consistency of communications.

After reviewing 和 discussing these findings with our program officers 和 other team members, 我们确定了一些优先行动.

  1. 我们将继续使用 社区参与影响实践模型 来指导我们的方法. The model specifies the competencies that we believe are essential to the way we practice philanthropy, 为我们的使命服务,与我们的基石保持一致. We’ve adapted our regular capacity building sessions to our current work-from-home environment. We are considering what adaptations we need to make to ensure that we are engaging with communities across the state, 尽管大流行阻止了我们旅行和面对面的会议. 
  2. 我们将重新审视和修订项目官员过渡的做法. We know that the transition from one program officer to another is a very important moment in the relationship between the Foundation 和 a grantee. The data 和 many of the comments tell us that we need to h和le these transitions with greater care, 确保有清晰的沟通和交接.
  3. We also need to continue to evaluate our communications for consistency 和 clarity. 正如我们在之前的调查中听到的那样, program officers play a very important role in communicating about the Foundation’s work 和 funding priorities. We will continue to center the role of the program staff in communicating about our funding priorities while also ensuring that other communications channels are clear 和 consistent.

Strengthening our efforts to center on equity in all that we do often results in shifting relationships 和 power dynamics. This underscores the critical importance that we build relationships in community that can sustain through changing tides. Building strong 和 trusting relationships with grantees is ­­­core to our community engagement approach, 以及我们打算如何以合作伙伴的身份出现. The survey data both affirms our commitment to the IMPACT Practice Model 和 offers us a vision for intentionally refining that approach.

The survey also dug deeper into equity – both about grantees’ perceptions of the Foundation’s work to advance diversity, 公平与包容, as well as questions about the work that grantees are doing to advance DEI within their organizations 和 communities. These questions yielded valuable information for us to consider as we continue to advance equity in our own policies 和 practices, in addition to underst和ing where are grantees are 和 how we can support them in their DEI journey.

We are honored that grantees took time out of their busy schedules to complete the survey 和 share their perspectives with us. 我们致力于倾听, 学习, 不断改进我们的做法,并对你们保持透明.

读了 完整的报告重要发现 浏览最近的受资助人看法调查的结果.


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